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  • Il tombait il y a quelques jours sur Montréal ce que j'appelle "de la poudre de diamants". Ce n'est déja plus de la pluie, car trop solide, et pas encore de la neige, car trop fin. C'est doux comme du duvet, léger comme de la farine.
    J'ai marché dans les rues de mon quartier, sur des trottoirs que les branches maigres des arbres nus ne protègent plus.
    J'étais seule dans le rue. J'étais seule dans ma tête. Je me cherchais une chanson - il ne m'en venait aucune - mais je n'étais pas triste pour autant. Car en me retournant, j'ai vu que mes pas ne s'imprimaient dans cette poudre. Elle est si fine !

    Je me suis retournée et c'est comme si j'avais survolé le trottoir. J'ai souri : je passais dans l'existence sans laisser de trâce.


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  • Un peu de douceur dans ce monde de dingues.
    (Désolée pour la qualité, j'ai dû réduire la taille drastiquement pour que ça rentre)

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  • That song is for Audrey. The Little One.
    This blogg will be closed when you will hear and read this. You'll ask why ? (a question there...)
    I'd say that blogg was a project. A kind of artistic stuff. It was not finished. But now it is... so you have access. Feel free to read it, or not. Feel free to comment, or not. I will let my words dying.
    I know it's a strange way of thinking. Can you really expect less from your fav Tall Dark Stranger ? I often had to "dominate" myself and not send you that address. I remember when we talked about bloggs, via MSN. That was in 2004, and I'd just began this blogg. I asked you if you had one. You said "No", and that "according to what you know, I don't have one.". I didn't say nothing, letting you to believe that. Sorry about that one.
    I know and understand you will be frustrated not to have been able to follow all that from the begining, leave comments as sketches and so on !
    But take that as it is : a special present. This one is for you. Now that all this is finished.
    But just keep that between U and me, please.

    This looks like a testament. Yeah. I guess so. You know, autumn is there. Night is creeping in my mind and thoughts. Cold is everywhere.
    But I'm not dead. I'll live forever...

    Remember please. Keep that between U and me. It's important for me.

    CU, American Woman (being brat, here)   xxxoooxxx

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